Innovations et Réseaux pour le Développement
Address : Via Tacito 10. 00193 ROMA. ITALIA. Tel (19)39 6 320 78 49. Fax (19)39 6 320 81 55. E-mail
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1-10 / 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-40 / 41-50 / 51-60 / 61-70 / 71-80 / 81-90 / 91-94
29 Giugno, la première coopérative de détenus en Europe
Italian Law 381/91 on Social Cooperation
Italian Law 381/91 on Social Cooperation
La loi italienne 381/91 sur la coopération sociale
Coopérative La Talea : Coopérative de femmes immigrées hors Marché Commun
Ambelakia Women’s Agritourism Cooperative
Violeta : growing and processing aromatic and medicinal herbs in a Greek village
KAPARISSOS : Arachova women’s cooperative for Agritourism and craft products
Some historical notes on the Greek cooperative movement -1-
Some historical notes on the Greek cooperative movement -2-
Some historical notes on the Greek cooperative movement
Federsolidarietà, une fédération de coopératives de solidarité sociale
INDE, Intercooperação e Desenvolvimento
Prisoners cooperatives in Italy
Association for the preservation of Mertola’s heritage -1-
Association for the preservation of Mertola’s heritage -2-
Exodus, une coopérative pour la réinsertion professionnelle de détenus
Social cooperation, the italian way to non profit enterprise - 1-
Social cooperation, the italian way to non profit enterprise - 2-
Social cooperation, the italian way to non profit enterprise - 3-
Law 381/91 on social cooperation
Les coopératives sociales en Italie -2-
Shonar Bangla Friends : un cas de détournement d’objectifs
Centro de apoio aos desempregados
SEIES -2-, a cooperativa em funcionamento
AUTOGEST -Udine : Savings for supporting social enterprises
Industrial Financing Company CFI
COOP CASA : immigrants and housing in Verona
CTM-MAG : alternative financing for international fair trade
ECO.S. FINANZIARIA : financing solidarity economy in the valleys of Marche
EDCS, financial support to third world projects (Gruppo di Sostegno Altoatesino)
IDS - Iniziative di Solidarietà
JANUS, alternative economy projects supported by an anthroposophic financing scheme
An introduction to MAG -Mutua Auto Gestione-, a network for alternative financing in Italy
MAG Verona, a saving and consultancy scheme supporting social economy
MAG 2 -Milano- Alternative financing for social economy
MAG 3 -Padova : an eco-pacifist financing scheme for alternative economy
MAG 4 -Torino : a financing cooperative supporting alternative economy in Piedmont
MAG 6 -Reggio Emilia : Aternative financing to spread the culture of alternative economy
MAG 7 -Genova : alternative finance and publishing activities
MAG VENEZIA, the most recent alternative financing scheme in Italy
SOL.CO. FINANZA : Financing catholic social cooperatives in Brescia -cassa mutua cooperativa
MACROCREDIT : financing alternative cultural projects
SEIES -1-: apresentação historica
29 Giugno, the first prisoners’ cooperative in Europe
Le Centre d’emploi pour jeunes femmes - ’Centro de empleo mujeres jovenes’ (Madrid)
Démarche pour la création d’emploi en faveur de personnes en situation d’exclusion et de marginalité
Les coopératives sociales italiennes
Expérience d’alternative à la prison pour des jeunes femmes condamnées à une longue détention
Expérience de promotion d’emplois collectifs pour les jeunes en risque d’exclusion
Federazione Regionale Solidarieta e lavoro
Barcelona Activa, pépinière d’entreprises
Les coopératives sociales en italie
Imprenditori del 2000, une association de micro-entrepreneurs dans les Pouilles - Italie du Sud-
STRANAIDEA, a social solidarity cooperative : cooperativa di solidarieta sociale
COMUNITA’ E QUARTIERE : cultural projects for young people - progetti culturali per i giovani
COOP TURISTICA VALBONDIONE : tourism and job creation - turismo e occupazione
GINKO BILOBA : caring for the environment but caring for people too
Centro Vega : management and networking for solidarity projects
IL GLICINE : ecological work and job opportunities for young people
LA QUERCIA : ecological work and job creation for marginalised groups
LINEA, a cooperative where printing is geared to our body limitations and not the other way around
CNOS : vocational training in Catania (Sicily)
Tessera, une coopérative d’artisanat non traditionnel pour les femmes
Quelques problèmes des PME en Grèce vus par EOMMEX
L’ELKEPA : Centre de Formation Informatique Assistée pour les Prisonniers en Grèce
VALLE VERDE : job opportunities for disabled and young people
Complex processes of social exclusion and the role of the family in social protection