dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenshiprinoceros: international library for a responsible world of solidarité
Launched in March 2002 by Ritimo (network of information centres for development and international solidarity), at an international meeting of documentary centres, the rinoceros project aims to create a space for international information for responsible and sustainable development. The rinoceros space makes information available on citizens’ initiatives aiming to: invent a new form of globalisation, reinforce democracy, support sustainable development, defend fundamental human rights, build peace, promote cultural diversity, improve access to information, follow more ethical scientific practices, and create an economy for the people. On the resource siteIn order to enhance the value of opinions of citizens of all continents, rinoceros has made multiple sources of diversified critical information available to French-speaking people; associative sources of both the South and the North are represented. All information is available in the original language: French, English or Spanish. An international directory of actors working to build another world is constantly being improved. |
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