dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenship
Call for contributions
dph files aim to evaluate a given question, or stakes and analyse perspectives.
They deliberately follow an open transversal logic: points of view of different actors, geographic and cultural diversity.
The sheets cover case studies, experiences, testimonies, tales of struggles, reviews of works, reflections of a more academic nature, proposals… The transversal analysis should shed light on the different points of view, highlight the joint problems and sketch the path of things to come.
We would like to call on you to help with the constitution of several files every year, for 2009-2010:
Achieving sustainability via industrial sectors: from production to consumers
Indigenous Peoples
If you would like to participate in developing any of these files, please send us one or more sheets. dph would be happy to examine all articles that recount field experience, case-studies, professional or personal testimonies, reflection based on works read, seminars, events or processes, analysis or proposals.
dph reserves the right to refuse publication of any article that does not correspond to editorial policy.
Articles or dph sheets should be short (no more than 12000 characters) and respect a given format: title, sub-title, text, personal comments (optional) and refer to sources of information. C.f. precise indications.
Authors accept that articles and sheets published on dph be subject to Creative Commons license conditions «Attribution-NoDerivs».