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dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenship

PSES: Workgroup on a Solidarity Socio-Economy


The Workgroup on a Solidarity Socio-Economy (WSSE) is a global network of debate among grassroots actors, researchers and committed people who collectively generate and promote proposals and strategies for socio-economic transformation.

The WSSE is part of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World (Alliance 21), a broader informal network which has been funded, since its creation, by the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation.


The PSES’s mission is to open on-going spaces for debate and networking among committed people in order to generate and promote proposals and strategies for socio-economic transformation.


1. To set up a participative, intercultural dialogue linking different social actors in an open network of partners and allies on the local, national, continental and global level.

2. To elaborate and spread innovative proposals of socio-economic transformation in all phases of the economic cycle.

3. To build and promote an integrated vision of the Solidarity Socio-Economy that challenges the prevailing excluding model of economic thinking and practice.

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