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dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenship

AEI : Alliance of independent publishers for another globalization


The Alliance of Independent Publishers is a non-profit-making association governed by French legislation, set up in spring 2002 on the initiative of a small group of book professionals.

By gradually setting up an international network of publishers, working independently of the major publishing groups, who meet regularly (Dakar 2003)and work together on publishing projects, the Alliance of Independent Publishers is contributing to the circulation of ideas and the building of an international civil society.

The Alliance is committed to promoting solidarity-based commercial agreements between its members, in particular by inspiring and developing co-publishing processes. Linguistic networks (French-speaking, English-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Arabic-speaking etc.) have been set up for some aspects of our work. Many publishing projects have got off the ground, including international co-published collections: Global Issues, Near and Far, Keywords.

The Alliance of independent publishers, in addition to supporting copublications and organizing international meetings, helps independent publishers in their undertakings and their positioning (see the declarations below) and works with advocacy and publicity campaigns in favor of book diversity (" bibliodiversity ").

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