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dph is member of the Coredem

dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenship

China-Europa Forum


The China-Europa Forum is a society-to-society dialog process of a new kind to take up our common challenges. It is a great opportunity to strengthen the dialogue between European and Chinese societies and within each society.

Representatives of all sectors and of all socio-professional backgrounds take up subjects of concern to them and discuss the issues that are common to our contemporary societies. Participants’ individual experiences are the starting point of continuous debates on the Internet, as well as at biennial meetings organised alternately in China and in Europe.

The second edition of the China-Europa Forum was held in Europe, from 4 to 7 October 2007, in two stages:

 On 4 and 5 October 2007: 46 socio-professional and theme-based workshops nearly 1000 people in 23 European cities.

 On 6 and 7 October 2007: 2 plenary sessions in Brussels.

All the major social, economic, cultural, environmental and political themes of interest to the two societies, from the aging of the population to higher education reform, or from world governance to sustainable development, will be covered in 27 theme-based workshops.

And, from migrants to servicemen, or from heads of businesses to artists, 19 dialogues will be taken up within the socio-professional workshops.

Third Biennial Meeting of the Forum to be held in China in July 2009!

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