dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenshipHIC : Habitat international coalition
HIC is an independent, international, non-profit alliance of some 400 organizations and individuals working in the area of human settlements. The strength of the Coalition is based on its worldwide membership that includes social movements, grassroot organizations, civil society organizations, NGOs, academia and research institutions, and like-minded individuals from 80 countries in both North and South. A shared set of objectives bind and shape HIC’s commitment to communities working to secure housing and improve their habitat conditions. ObjectivesHIC’s Constitution sets out objectives that it pursues at local, national, regional and international levels through ever-emerging strategies and activities: Recognition, defence and full implementation of everyone’s right everywhere to a secure place to live in peace and dignity. Defending the human rights of the homeless, poor and inadequately housed. Strategic focusDeveloping relationships inside and outside HIC, through advocacy, promotion, facilitative, supportive and direct action; and strengthening civil society’s role in improving housing and settlement development. Strengthening people’s processes by supporting community based efforts to improve housing and settlements and alleviate poverty by assisting a broad range of people’s actions, addressing a set of core issues: housing, governance and poverty. Advocacy for recognition, defence and full implementation of housing rights, to improve the quality of life of the poor through improvement of housing conditions, in additional to income enhancement and social empowerment; and to move toward sustainable environment. |
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