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dph is member of the Coredem

dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenship

AlimenTerra : European network for sustainable food systems


Alimenterra is a new network of European organisations committed to developing practical and co-operative actions leading to the creation of a truly sustainable european food system. The organisations participating in the creation of AlimenTerra currently come from five European countries: France; Italy; the Netherlands; Spain and the UK and cover all the food chain from farmers’ unions and development organisations to NGO’s, local food initiatives and organic support bodies.

Over the past decade its participants and many partner organisations have been engaged in carrying out joint actions which foster and promote a more sustainable food system. These actions have taken place at all geographical levels, involving both policy and practical actions that reflect the need to show how a truly sustainable system can operate, both locally and globally.


 Acts as a central information and co-ordination point: putting people together, finding funding, building up expertise, sharing knowledge on project methodology and operation (and where appropriate undertake the management and co-ordination of projects or undertake specific measures to support the member co-ordinating the project),
 Helps create a policy and philosophical path for the future, through organising and supporting information exchange and debate, both for AlimenTerra and the wider movement for a sustainable and ethical world,
 Acts both as a catalyst and as a support mechanism,
 Undertakes concrete actions: gathers data, communicates, develops and co-ordinates projects.

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