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dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenship

IRG: Institute for a new reflection on governance


The IRG is a forum for international and intercultural debate on governance. At the cross-roads of various schools of thought and diverse cultural approaches, the Institute aims to stimulate exchange between researchers, academics, journalists, professionals from civil services and from international organisations, civil society etc. Underpinning this aim is an online database of publications and international colloquia as a support for students, for inter-university dialogue and collaboration.

 Researching, updating and compilating documentary resources
 Spreading and debating ideas: Resources Web site, publications and meetings
 Supporting the reform of training in public affairs

The 6 principle thematic axes of IRG :
 Collective regulation processes
 Origins of Legitimacy
 Participation and Power
 Institutional make-up, Institutional Reforms
 Articulating scales of governance: from local to global
 "Governance": Conceptions and discourses

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