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dph is member of the Coredem

dialogues, proposals, stories for global citizenship

IRESCA : International initiative for the social responsibility of professionals and managers


The Initiative IRESCA is an informal long-term process to promote around the world the ambition expressed by P&MS, at an individual and collective level, to assume their responsibilities on the basis of their
knowledge, savoir-faire and the post they occupy within their companies, administrations, laboratories.

This practice of social responsibility aims to build a more united, more human world, and ways of more sustainable development.

The starting point of the Initiative was the writing and publishing in 2003 of the Manifesto on the social responsibility of Professionals & Managers (The Manifesto) by the seven institutions mentioned hereafter and forming part of the College of first signatories. As such, they are held
durably responsible for its spirit and its constitutive Chart:
Young Business Leaders Organization (CJD); Young Business Leaders and Actors of Social Economy Organization (CJDES); The Ecole de Paris of Management; Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH); Engineers Without Borders (ISF France); Confederal Union of Engineers and P&MS (CFDT Cadres); General Union of Engineers, P&MS and Technicians (UGICT-CGT).

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