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Agter : An association to contribute to improve the governance of land, water and natural resources


AGTER is a French non-profit association. It has been created in March 2005 by a group of people of different origins that took part in works or exchanges between actors of civil society organizations on the issues of access to natural resources and land.

They want to clarify the links between poverty, underdevelopment and access to resources, in order to set up lasting alternatives to the ongoing policies. AGTER aims at contributing to improve the governance of land, water and natural resources and at conceiving new ways of managing those resources, better adapted to face the challenges of the twenty-and-first century.

AGTER promotes a permanent thinking and learning process, in order to help civil society members and other concerned actors to get informed, to come up with and implement proposals.


The purpose of AGTER is to participate to the elaboration of new ways of governance of land and natural resources aimed to address the challenges resulting from the emergence of new needs.

In order to achieve this goal, AGTER intends to set-up or to further elaborate dynamics to:

 Support the different organizations of the civil society and social movements so that they can acquire a better knowledge and a more relevant understanding of their own reality; and

 Facilitate exchanges and spread of ideas between actors and organizations, in particular those belonging to the civil society.

Through this approach, AGTER intends to contribute to the emergence of a permanent learning process helping organisations of the civil society (in particular fishermen and farmers organisations) to formulate proposals related to land tenure and natural resources management, and to put them into practice.

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