(RASSADJ-Nord: "ne plus subir le droit")
03 / 1993
RASSADJ-Nord (a network of associations, trade unions and social work organizations for Access to the Law and Justice in the Department of Nord), founded 15th March 1992 in Lille (France), aims at enabling citizens to be bearers of rights, with the view to developing legitimate solidarity for the promulgation of rights with the following goals :
a)informing associations, trade unions and social work organizations helping the movement of accessing Law and Justice ;
b)training "legal promoters" who are capable of linking daily life and the law;
c)providing competent legal advice to associations, trade unions and social service organizations, so as to respond to individual and collective requests outside legal proceedings;
d)to favour the democratic participation of as many people as possible in the life of the city.
In order to meet these goals, the network organizes activities around themes like information, training, animation, research, communication and dissemination.
During working sessions, each member of the network raises questions related to access to the law, and drawn from his own experience. The questions retained are dealt with by a commission composed of persons with various backgrounds and experiences. Reflection and analysis of the situation are done from two angles : first, the present state of the law is discussed, then its evolution and the opportunities available are taken into account in the response and proposal for action, with the further aim of developing the law.
One of the first steps taken by RASSADJ consisted in "taking hold" of the new measures proposed to the users of justice in the 10th July 1991 Act, which makes it possible for representatives of the users to be present in each BAJ (Bureau d’Assistance Juridique - Legal assistance Office)and CAJ (Conseil départemental de l’Aide Juridique - Legal Assistance department Council). Yet, as applied today, such measures sound like gimmicks. Users’ representatives have no actual impact on the operations of a CAJ, being unable to make themselves heard.
More recently, RASSADJ issued out a practical guide for the general public (with the Press present during the launching): "How to avoid housing eviction". The document takes into account most of the situations where the risk of eviction is strong, and proposes juridical arguments containing elements introduced through a recent modification of the law. This action, however, goes beyond information- training; it aims at a more long-term purpose : to put an end to evictions.
Similarly, another practical guide concerning bailiffs is being planned, more specifically designed for other readers connected with this work such as associations and social workers. The document will be complemented by a specific training activity.
The public success of the guide on eviction is reassuring for RASSADJ-Nord’s efforts and services. The network, due to its structure and methods, has essentially become a place of mobilisation for the citizens and seems to fill a gap - -within four months, RASSADJ has grouped together 7 associations (youth, tenants, parents, women), 2 trade-unions (lawyers and judges)and some individuals.
droit au logement, parajuriste, information juridique, droit, justice, formation, milieu urbain
, France, Lille
Original card in French in Dph data base. The ’title/sub-title’ field corresponds to the ’translated title’ field in the French card.
The guide on evictions can be obtained by writing to RASSADJ Nord, 23 rue Gosselet, 59000 LILLE. FRANCE. Tel 16 20883656; Person to contact: CRESSON, Dominique.
Juristes Solidarités - Espace Comme vous Emoi, 5 rue de la Révolution, 93100 Montreuil, FRANCE - Tél. : 33 (0)1 48 51 39 91 - France - www.agirledroit.org/fr - jur-sol (@) globenet.org