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dph participe à la coredem

dialogues, propositions, histoires pour une citoyenneté mondiale

Work together, Build together

("Travaillons ensemble, construisons ensemble")

09 / 1995

General Experience

In Inhambane (southern Mozambique), between 1993 and 1995, the NGO, Mozambican Association for Urban Development, in conjunction with the local government and rural communities implemented a program for rural development and the rehabilitation of the public infrastructure in post-war Mozambique (construction of schools and hospitals). Prior to this program no facilities existed to reconstruct post-war Mozambique. The program benefitted 68,000 people in 28 villages in southern Mozambique

Actors involved

Mozambican Association for Urban Development; rural communities; Provincial Government; and Terre des Hommes, Switzerland

Role of the NGO

The role of the NGO was to give specialized support and expertise in the area of rehabilitation and housing construction (particularly architectural support). The NGO also provided training to the community and monitored the progress of the project

Role of the Social Organizations

The social organizations, in this case the rural communities, contributed to the planning and implementation of the rehabilitation project. They also provided the project with voluntary labor and maintained an evaluation of the project’s progress

Local and Federal Role of the Government

The local and federal governments contributed to the success of the project by providing basic social services to the communities and identifying the needs of the infrastructure for rehabilitation

Women’s Role

The women equaly participated in the planning of the project

Types of Relations between the NGO and Government

The NGO in the beginning of the project took on the government’s role within this project. Later the NGO and the government roles were complementary to one another

Levels and Type of Impact

The project had a local and national impact.


formation, participation communautaire, développement rural

, Mozambique, Inhambane


Data card carried out for the governmentT/NGO cooperation project in the field of human settlement.


Document interne


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