Centre for Education and Documentation
08 / 2010
India was a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as far back as June 1992 and it acceded to the Kyoto Protocol on 26 August 2002 but it came out with its National Action Plan on Climate Change only in July 2008; and that too in such a great hurry, so as to be a hotchpotch of business as usual and lip service platitudes on renewable energy, sustainable development and a low-carbon pathway to growth.
However, in this dossier, the Centre for Education and Documentation shows how essential it is for a country of 1.21 billion inhabitants and rich of very diverse ecosystems, to give itself the means to face, as soon as possible, the short and long term impacts of climate change.
Among the elements of an efficient climate policy are :
an approach that values climate justice and the role of local communities
an energy policy that reduces the dependency on fossil fuels and encourages decentralized and renewable energies
an agricultural policy which learns a lesson from the Green Revolution and encourages organic small farming
a scientific research policy to better understand the phenomenon of climate change and to support the above objectives.
The issues at stake are even more numerous, they are thoroughly analysed in the 16 articles of this dossier.
This dossier is available in French: L’Inde et le changement climatique
India and climate change: an overall view
Impact of climate change on arid regions in India
Forests and climate change in India
The Himalayas and climate change in India
Climate Change and Agriculture in India: Avenues for Mitigation
Climate Change and the Small Scale Farmer in India
Coastal communities in India bear the brunt of climate change
Impact of Climate change on Urban Areas in India
Impact of Climate Change on Health in India
Energy and the Low carbon Path to Development in India
Decentralising Energy Options as a response to climate change in India
Indian civil society engagement with Climate Policy. From the Centre to the Margins
Whither Indian Research and Science in Climate Change!
India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change
Climate change and the Indian Corporate Sector
India in International Climate Negotiations