09 / 1995
General Experience
In Tanzania, in 1992, the NGO, Women’s Advancement Trust, executed a development project in conjunction with the local and federal government and the social organization Chang’ombe Nkuhungu. The purpose of the program was to improve the conditions shelter and working toward the alleviation of poverty in Dodoma. The need for housing and other community facilities is critical in Dodoma, the new capital of Tanzania. 25,000 people benefitted from this program
Actors Involved
Women’s Advancement Trust; Chang’ombe Nkuhungu; Dodoma Municipal Council; CDA; and Women and Shelter Network (WAS)
Role of NGO
The role of the NGO is to act as a mediator between the various organizations and government entities. They also are the coordinators of the project
Role of the Social Organizations
The social organizations within this project took on a couple of roles: they made many of the important decisions regarding the program; and they mobilized the various actors into implementing the program
Local and Federal Role
National policies are generally very supportive of community participation in squatter settlements but this often does not reflect reality. There is too much bureaucracy in the system of local government and administration which impedes the national policies that support communal decision-making
However, in this specific case study local and federal government granted permission to access the land for housing construction and rehabilitation, provided the land was available
Women’s Role
Women provided both the leadership and labor to this project
Type of Relations between the NGO and the Government
The relationship between the NGO and the local and federal governments was of negotiation in order to use the land for the housing construction
Levels and Type of Impact
The program made an impact on local public policies.
community participation, national policy
, Tanzania, Dodoma
Data card carried out for the governmentT/NGO cooperation project in the field of human settlement.
Internal document
Mazingira Institute - P.O. BOX 14550, 00800 Nairobi, KENYA - Tél: (254) 020 4443219/26/29 - Fax: (254) 020 4444643 - Kenya - www.mazinst.org - mazinst (@) mitsuminet.com